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We determined the products you use routinely for you,
We designed projects with our brands that we represent in Turkey,
We stocked at an affordable price and prompt delivery. We named it NOVAGENTEK BIOBUNDLE.
You can reach NOVAGENTEK BIOBUNDLE product lists from the links below.

GREINER BIO-ONE develops and manufactures high quality plastic products for growing, preserving and sorting cells for specific applications in medical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological research.

Major product types: 

Microplate, Flask, Serological pipette, Cryotube, Pipette tip with filter, Automatic pipette, Centrifuge tubes, 96 well ELISA plate, Cell strainer, 3D cell culture, Roller bottle, Media bottle

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Serum and Media

BIOWEST is the European leader in the collection and processing of animal serums and cell culture media and offers the broadest range of serums and solutions on the market.

Major product types:

Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), Animal Serum, DMEM, RPMI, Trypsin-EDTA, Antibiotic Antimycotic, Lymphosep Media, Amniogrow, Colcemid, Phytohaemagglutinin

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PanReac AppliChem offers the most innovative and highest quality products for chemical, biological, pharmaceutical and medical research and manufacturing applications.

Major product types:

Western Blotting products, PCR Decontamination products, DNA-ExitusPlus ™, Acrylamide-bisacrylamide blends

Buffer solutions, Running Buffer, 

Ammonium persulfate (APS) , TEMED, Non fat dry milk, Protein markers and protein dyes, Proteinase K,  RNase A,  Lysozyme,  DNase I,  Taq DNA Polymerase,  SuperHot Taq DNA Polymerase, TRIS Buffer,  TEA Buffer, TBE Buffer, HEPES, EDTA, Incubator-Clean™ Aquabator-Clean™, Incuwater-Clean


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